Sunday, May 15, 2016

Time Management

Time management has always been a hot topic and I know I fight with scheduling my time everyday! Being a single parent and wanting to spend time with family, kids, and taking care of just everyday stuff is busy enough, then you throw in working full-time as a teacher and that's exhausting! Now I've begun seeing the fruits of my sowing, as far as writing over the years, start blossoming and I've got to schedule time somewhere in there for marketing and platform building, as well as for the writing! Somehow it all gets shifted into the right places so that I can even enjoy some quiet time in prayer! I find what helps me the most is cutting out time wasters-things that don't benefit me or others and are not productive; making priority lists of what I need to do the following day and week; looking for ways to save time by multi-tasking; and just using my time wisely. I like to start and end my day with prayer, it's a great way to get focused and calm for the busy day ahead. I try to stick to routines during the week as far as getting ready for work. It helps me keep on track. A good stress-eliminator for busy people is making sure you set aside time for yourself to enjoy some down time doing what is relaxing for you. You need this so don't look at it as a time-waster! It will help you stay sane and healthy:)

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